Japan Host Insurance
What is Japan Host Insurance?
Japan Host Insurance covers cases where the Host* incurs liability or other expenses in relation to injury of others or damage to the property of others due to home sharing through the Airbnb platform, and cases where the Host incurs damage because property they own is damaged due to the Guest’s* stay. In cases where property that is owned by the Host is damaged due to the Guest’s stay, the insurance coverage will apply when the dispute between the Host and the Guest cannot be resolved among themselves and the Host contacts Airbnb.
Japan Host Insurance is an insurance programme underwritten by Sompo Japan Insurance Inc. Hosts do not have to pay insurance premiums to have the benefit of the Japan Host Insurance programme. Please read the following information on the insurance coverage of Japan Host Insurance.Insurance period
This insurance period of the current insurance program is from July 31, 2024 to July 31, 2025.
Scope and conditions
Scope and conditions of applying for Japan Host Insurance
Scope and conditions of applying for Japan Host Insurance
Compensation for damage to property owned by the Host
Subject to applicable terms, conditions and exclusions, Japan Host Insurance coverage will be paid for destruction of the Listing* and personal property that is owned by the Host* due to the Guest’s* stay. Insurance coverage for damage to a Listing that the Host leases or is entrusted to manage may be provided under the additional coverages described immediately below. Compensation for the Host’s liability for injury or property damage Japan Host Insurance also covers Hosts for liability they incur for injury or property damage to a Guest or others during the Guest’s stay at the Listing as reserved on the Airbnb platform and caused by the Home-Sharing Business.* Compensation for expenses incurred by the Host for payments they must make to others to resolve accidents involving injury or property damage In cases where the Host incurs expenses due to payment they are required to make to resolve an accident involving bodily injury or property damage to a Guest or others, Japan Host Insurance may apply to cover the expenses that the Host has incurred. The accident must be caused by the Home-Sharing Business and occur during the Guest’s stay at the Listing as reserved on the Airbnb platform for coverage to apply. Each coverage described above is subject to applicable terms, conditions and exclusions of the Japan Host Insurance policy. 1. Covered Accommodation Japan Host Insurance covers the Listing that the Host owns, leases or is entrusted to manage for the Home-Sharing Business. (*) Listing means the facilities which have been approved under the Hotel Business Act, certified under the National Strategic Special Zones Act or notified under the Housing Accommodation Business Act, or other facilities in which similar accommodation business is conducted; provided, however, that all of the following requirements are satisfied:- The facilities are owned by the Host, rented by the Host or entrusted to the Host to manage;
- The facilities are listed on Airbnb’s website; and
- The facilities are booked and used by a person who has consented to Airbnb’s service conditions and used Airbnb’s website. Accommodation facilities include mobile homes, buses, camper vans, treehouses and other facilities that are parked and used as accommodation facilities. Boats and watercrafts are also included if they are used as accommodation facilities.
Compensation for damage to property owned by the HostThe facilities are owned by the Host, rented by the Host or entrusted to the Host to manage; The facilities are listed on Airbnb’s website; and The facilities are booked and used by a person who has consented to Airbnb’s service conditions and used Airbnb’s website. Accommodation facilities include mobile homes, buses, camper vans, treehouses and other facilities that are parked and used as accommodation facilities. Boats and watercrafts are also included if they are used as accommodation facilities. 2. Host/Hosts (*) Hosts means persons engaging in the Home-Sharing Business who provide Listings and are licensed or otherwise permitted to do so in accordance with applicable law. 3. Guest/Guests (*) Guests means users of the Home-Sharing Business, including those who have been invited by the user and those who are jointly using the Home-Sharing Business. (*) Home-Sharing Business means the hotel business set forth in the Hotel Business Act (Act No. 138 of 1948), business set forth in the National Strategy Special Area Act (Act No. 107 of 2013) or housing accommodation business set forth in the Housing Accommodation Business Act (Act No. 65 of 2017), or other similar accommodation business, and any activities conducted inside or outside of such Listing incidental to the services above.
Subject to applicable terms, conditions and exclusions, Japan Host Insurance coverage will be paid for destruction of the Listing* and personal property that is owned by the Host* due to the Guest’s* stay. Insurance coverage for damage to a Listing that the Host leases or is entrusted to manage may be provided under the additional coverages described immediately below. Compensation for the Host’s liability for injury or property damage Japan Host Insurance also covers Hosts for liability they incur for injury or property damage to a Guest or others during the Guest’s stay at the Listing as reserved on the Airbnb platform and caused by the Home-Sharing Business.* Compensation for expenses incurred by the Host for payments they must make to others to resolve accidents involving injury or property damage In cases where the Host incurs expenses due to payment they are required to make to resolve an accident involving bodily injury or property damage to a Guest or others, Japan Host Insurance may apply to cover the expenses that the Host has incurred. The accident must be caused by the Home-Sharing Business and occur during the Guest’s stay at the Listing as reserved on the Airbnb platform for coverage to apply. Each coverage described above is subject to applicable terms, conditions and exclusions of the Japan Host Insurance policy. 1. Covered Accommodation Japan Host Insurance covers the Listing that the Host owns, leases or is entrusted to manage for the Home-Sharing Business. (*) Listing means the facilities which have been approved under the Hotel Business Act, certified under the National Strategic Special Zones Act or notified under the Housing Accommodation Business Act, or other facilities in which similar accommodation business is conducted; provided, however, that all of the following requirements are satisfied:Insurance coverage
Japan Host Insurance may provide coverage of up to ¥300,000,000 JPY if property or a listing owned by the Host is damaged due to the guest’s stay. It may also provide coverage of up to ¥100,000,000 JPY where the Host incurs liability or expenses in relation to property damage or bodily injury of the guest or third party.
Coverage exclusions
Main items that are not covered by Japan Host Insurance (clauses regarding compensation for damage to property owned by the Host)
Items which are not included in the Listing:
- Currency, money, precious metal in bullion form, notes or securities.
- Land, water or any other substance in or on the land; however, this shall not apply to improvements to the land consisting of landscape gardening, roadways and pavements (but shall apply to any added land or land beneath such property) or water that is contained within any enclosed tank, any piping system or any other processing equipment.
- Animals, including, but not limited to, livestock and pets.
- Standing timber and crops.
- Watercraft, aircraft, spacecraft and satellites; however, this shall not apply to any watercraft that is not being operated and is being used as the Listing.
- Vehicles; however, this shall not apply to any vehicle that is not being operated and is being used as the Listing.
- Underground mines or mineshafts or any property within such mines or shafts.
- Dams, dykes and levees.
- Property in transit.
- Transmission and distribution lines beyond 305 metres from the Listing. Main cases where insurance money is not paid:
- War, use of force by a foreign country, revolution, seizure of government, civil war, armed rebellion, or other similar incidents or riots.
- Damage caused by radiation, explosion or other harm due to a nuclear reaction or the decay of the atomic nucleus of nuclear fuel material or nuclear source material, radioactive element, radioisotope or material contaminated by such material, or an accident attributable thereto, excluding nuclear reactions or nuclear decay of atomic nuclei of radioisotopes for medical, scientific or industrial use.
- Terrorism.
- Actual or threatened malicious use of poisonous biological or chemical materials.
- Damage occurring before or after the Guest’s stay at the Listing as reserved on the Airbnb platform.
- Damage caused by the wilful misconduct or gross negligence of Hosts.
- etc.
Items which are not included in the Listing:Currency, money, precious metal in bullion form, notes or securities. Land, water or any other substance in or on the land; however, this shall not apply to improvements to the land consisting of landscape gardening, roadways and pavements (but shall apply to any added land or land beneath such property) or water that is contained within any enclosed tank, any piping system or any other processing equipment. Animals, including, but not limited to, livestock and pets. Standing timber and crops. Watercraft, aircraft, spacecraft and satellites; however, this shall not apply to any watercraft that is not being operated and is being used as the Listing. Vehicles; however, this shall not apply to any vehicle that is not being operated and is being used as the Listing. Underground mines or mineshafts or any property within such mines or shafts. Dams, dykes and levees. Property in transit. Transmission and distribution lines beyond 305 metres from the Listing. Main cases where insurance money is not paid:War, use of force by a foreign country, revolution, seizure of government, civil war, armed rebellion, or other similar incidents or riots. Damage caused by radiation, explosion or other harm due to a nuclear reaction or the decay of the atomic nucleus of nuclear fuel material or nuclear source material, radioactive element, radioisotope or material contaminated by such material, or an accident attributable thereto, excluding nuclear reactions or nuclear decay of atomic nuclei of radioisotopes for medical, scientific or industrial use. Terrorism. Actual or threatened malicious use of poisonous biological or chemical materials. Damage occurring before o