Airbnb provides a way for users and third parties to report any suspected illegal content on our platform.
You can submit a report of suspected illegal content via our webform.
To help our investigation, we’ll need you to include the following information:
In submitting your notice, you must also confirm that it is submitted in good faith belief that the information is accurate and complete.
Once your notice has been submitted:
Please note: The contents of your report is for our internal use but may be shared with the user who posted the reported content. We process all personal information in line with our Privacy Policy, and the identity and any personal data of the notifying user is disclosed only pursuant to our legal obligations.
Please see our Terms of Service for information on the circumstances in which Airbnb may suspend the processing of notices of illegal content submitted via this webform.
Parties who are not satisfied with a decision of Airbnb following the submission of a report of suspected illegal content may appeal that decision via Airbnb’s appeal system. Such parties may also have the right to submit a complaint to a certified EU out-of-court dispute settlement body.