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How-to • Host

What’s required to be a Superhost

Our top-performing hosts are called Superhosts. In addition to perks like added visibility and access to exclusive rewards, their listings and profile feature a unique badge that lets others know about their exceptional hosting.

Requirements to be a Superhost

To be a Superhost, hosts must be the listing owner of a homes listing with an account in good standing and need to have met the following criteria:

  • Hosted at least 10 reservations, or 3 reservations that total at least 100 nights
  • Maintained a 90% or higher response rate
  • Maintained a less than 1% cancellation rate, with exceptions for cancellations due to Major Disruptive Events or other valid reasons
  • Maintained a 4.8 or higher overall rating (A review counts towards Superhost status when either both the guest and the host have submitted a review, or the 14-day window for reviews is over, whichever comes first.)

Note: The criteria is only evaluated for listings in which the host is the listing owner – any listings in which the host is a co-host won’t contribute towards their Superhost eligibility.

When Superhost status is evaluated

Every 3 months, we evaluate your performance as a host over the past 12 months for all listings on your account. (However, you don’t have to host for the entire 12 months to qualify.) Each quarterly assessment is a 7-day period beginning on:

  • 1 January
  • 1 April
  • 1 July
  • 1 October

What happens if you meet the Superhost requirements

If you meet the programme requirements by the assessment date, you’ll automatically become a Superhost – no need to apply. We’ll notify you of your status at the end of each assessment period. It may take up to a week for your Superhost badge to show on your listing.

Did you meet all the Superhost requirements between assessment periods? Superhost status is only awarded 4 times a year, so it won’t be awarded until the next assessment date, as long as you’re still eligible at that time.

Co-hosts and hosts of experiences aren’t evaluated for Superhost status

To be evaluated for Superhost status, a host must be the listing owner of one or more homes listings. Co-hosts and experience hosts aren’t included in this evaluation.

Even if a co-host manages a homes listing as the primary host, they can’t be considered for Superhost status based on that co-host role. However, if a co-host is also the listing owner of another listing, they can be evaluated for Superhost status based on its performance. The performance of any listing in which they’re a co-host won’t contribute to their Superhost eligibility.

Similarly, hosts of experiences aren’t eligible for Superhost status. If an experience host is also the listing owner of a homes listing, they can qualify for Superhost status based on that listing’s performance. The performance of any of their experience listings won’t contribute to their Superhost eligibility.

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